Oct 18 2011


Published by at 10:08 am under me,Sam

Finding time for myself has always been a challenge for me. The time to tell myself to go out and take some healthy time is okay. That’s it’s okay to take 30 min, or 40 min, to take a walk, ride my bike, or (try) to run. 😉

This week, that starts.

Exercise for me starts today.

I have a goal in mind that I want to reach. Nothing drastic. I’ve never had the body type to be really slender. I come from farm stock and have a strong build – something my Perrin inherited. Rawlins are strong, not slim, and that’s okay. Being slim doesn’t have to be my goal. Strong is my goal. I don’t need to be in single digit jeans. Doubles are okay, I just want to lower that number.

So this week I start putting more effort into my morning to make time to start a healthy habit. I owe it to myself and to my family.

The picture is from my morning ride yesterday. I take Sammy on a 1 mile run each morning. He has a lot of fun running along side my bike and I enjoy feeling the morning cool on my face.

Yesterday I did 1 mile on my bike in the morning, 1 1/2 miles on my bike in the evening.

Today I did 1 mile on my bike in the morning and 1 mile walk/jog in the morning.

And it didn’t kill me!

Goal for the week – three more morning bike rides, 1 more morning walk/jog, and four more evening bike rides.


One response so far

One Response to “go”

  1. Jessica says:

    Strength is my goal too… I’m tired of being a weakling! Way to get out there and move!

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