Jun 15 2011


Published by at 9:24 am under Family

Yesterday the boys and I got to participate with our Ward’s playgroup activity. It was a trip to the Temecula Berry Company and it was worth the drive!

The boys had a little bit of a I-don’t-wanna-go attitude as we were getting ready, but it quickly faded when they saw the blueberry farm! They each filled up a medium sized bucket with yummy plump blueberries! Mr. P even commented, “I thought this was going to be lame, but it’s FUN!” 😆

I admit that I let them go a little overboard on the picking because I love blueberries! In other words, I wasn’t thinking about what I was actually going to do with them once we got them home, I was just thinking “YUM! BLUEBERRIES!!!” Hahaha! Thankfully, Don really likes blueberries, too.

Tomorrow I’ll share some pictures and a recipe link to the first thing I baked – Blueberry muffins, of course!!

Happy Wednesday!

One response so far

One Response to “blueberries”

  1. Heather says:

    That looks like tons of fun!

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