Feb 22 2010

small victories

Published by at 4:02 pm under Family


Over the past month we’ve all taken turns at being sick. We’ve had head colds, coughs, Strep, and head colds again. Just as long as the Strep doesn’t come back, I’ll be okay with buying decongestants.

During this time the boys have been in TaeKwonDo. We signed them up in January. Perrin was able to continue as a Green belt and Owen started as a White belt. They’ve been quick to learn their forms, blocks and kicks, as well as learn how to listen better to their Instructors (something I hope flows over to school and home life. 😉 )

This past weekend was belt testing. It was a great experience for both boys, and for us as a family.

The hardest task during testing is the breaking technique. They must break a board using the kick technique learned for their belt level. Perrin’s was more advanced than Owen’s, requiring him to turn and do (what I think) is an axe kick. It took him about four tries to get the proper footing and break the board.

Owen took longer. As we watched the video last night, we counted over 100 attempts to break the board. He would be given a chance, with guidance from the Instructors and Grand Master, then asked to sit while they tested the next round of White belts. Then he was ready to try again, and again had to return to the side for more practice while another round of White belts did their breaking technique. By this time, as a parent, you start to worry what the parents and family packed into the studio are thinking. Then you see your son get the crowd with his earnest attempts, with a comical flair, to break the board. You see the great patience of the Grand Master and his encouragement as he teaches him to use the strength of his whole leg. You see the Instructors standing next to him and rooting for him to not give up.

You see your son try again and again.

And he breaks the board.

There was a giant chorus of cheering and hollering, and he was lifted into the air. An example to not give up.

He’s still carrying his board around the house with him, matching up the picture that the Grand Master drew on his board for him after he accomplished his goal.

Now he knows he can do it if he just keeps listening to guidance and doing his best.

Now we move on to Yellow.


And we move on to Purple.


And we won’t give up, because we know “TaeKwonDo! Yes I can!”

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “small victories”

  1. Way to go Owen and Perrin! It sounds like the scene from a movie. Keep up the good work! -Julie
    P.S. David says you have cool glasses.
    P.P.S. David says “Put em in a body bag Perrin! Sweep The Leg! Sweep the Leg!
    P.P.P.S. David sings “your the best a-ro-und no ones ever gonna get you down.”

  2. Jenna says:

    Good job, boys! Have they seen Karate Kid?

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