Jul 28 2009

when the lights go out …

Published by at 10:10 am under Family,just stuff

I get some of the biggest surprises during my just-before-bed rounds that I make to check on the boys. I go in for normal stuff, like fixing pillows, fixing covers, kicking toys to the side to make a path just incase the end of the world happens while we’re sleeping and we’ll need to run in and get them in the middle of the night – because who wants to step on a toy when you’re trying to save somebody? Not me, especially not on G.I. Joes. Those hurt, I know.

Yes, I get paranoid at night.

That being said, opening up the door to a little boy’s bedroom in the middle of the night is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you’re gonna get. My Momma never said that.

Last night I saw this behind Door Number 1:


Goose has a bad habit of not going to bed right away. Some days I go in a billion times to tell him to stop playing (by the light of his nightlight, mind you. He’s learned that I know when his bedroom light is on). Other nights he’s quiet enough to fool me to think that he actually went to sleep. Last night was one of those nights because wearing praying mantis eyes to bed is not normal.


It makes me laugh. He got these as a gift for Christmas this past year, and at least I can show my Sister-in-Law Jenna that she scored again! I can’t imagine it was very comfortable to fall asleep with those on, he must have been pretty tired by that time.

Behind Door Number 2 was this:


Apparently Mister hasn’t gotten the memo that’s it is hot and not fleece blanket weather. Make that “two layer fleece blanket” weather.

I get all sweaty just thinking of him being wrapped up in his fleece cocoon at the end of July.

But it doesn’t stop there.


This one may not get up and rummage around his room after I close the door for the night, but he does sleep with a tower of stuffed animals above his head. On his pillow.

Personally, I’d shove all those guys on the floor and sleep on my pillow. Then I remember what it looks like under his pillow. Apparently “under the pillow” is a treasure dumping ground full of toys (G.I. Joes, Transformers), books, pencils, zippered pencil pouches, and money. The only time the underside of his pillow is cleared out is when the Tooth Fairy comes because there is no way she could find a tooth in that mess. That’s when I realize that it’s probably more comfortable to sleep on the mattress and shove the tower of stuffed animals on the bumpy pillow.

But the fleece blanket is still making me sweaty.

7 responses so far

7 Responses to “when the lights go out …”

  1. Grandma #1 says:

    What fun it was to read. I know I’m your mother, but seriously you could be writing for a magazine!

    Grandma #1

  2. Beth B. says:

    That’s hilarious – love the bug glasses. My son (5 1/2) does that with the blankets too; it can be 90-degrees outside and he’s bundled up at bedtime in his room – he’s so crazy!! But we love them all to pieces. 🙂 Thanks for sharing your slice of life. Oh and my son would be crazy over that Spongebob pillowcase too! Cute!

    Beth B. (mommy to an almost-6 year old)

  3. Linda says:

    Thanks for the laugh…as a mother to two little boys (6
    and 7) I can totally relate. My youngest sleeps with a
    bevy of tigers, transformers and bakugon. Linda

  4. Thanh says:

    Your silly family always makes me laugh. Hmmm what is it going to be next!

  5. Jenna says:

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! I can’t stop laughing!! This post will make me laugh all day long! 🙂 I love those boys. Tell Owen that I’m saving my G2 to drink tomorrow. I’ll think of him the entire time.

  6. Hilarious!!! I love the praying mantis eyes!!! lol — Last night J just fell asleep like he sat down and fell over. When I went in, he was sprawled all weird. I wish I took a picture now, it looked funny, of course not as funny as that!!!

    I left you an award on my blog 🙂

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