Apr 06 2009

back in the swing in things …

Published by at 8:37 am under just stuff


This is me, circa a long time ago. LOL! I’m probably 8 or 9 6 or 7 (LOL), on the backyard swing with my then white-as-snow pegasus before the dreadful day of the doggie mauling he suffered. Fortunately it wasn’t so bad that it couldn’t be fixed and my Dad sewed his wing back together. To this day, I still have him in my stash of childhood favorites. I very much loved mythology as a kid. Clash of the Titans was my first ever favorite movie, which reminds me – I should watch that again soon.Anyway, I got my computer back last week and since then I’ve been getting back in the swing of things. My Dad gave me lots of pictures in addition to the ones he recovered off of my camera and it’s been fun to see what he included, the above photo being one of the many treasures.

We have an exciting month ahead of us. On the 17th we are brining our puppy home. We got to visit them at the end of March and are delighted to be bringing our puppy home in just 11 more days. We have a countdown on the white board in the kitchen which is updated by which ever boy gets up and beats me to it. We’ve been getting bedrooms “puppy ready” (reorganized with a spot for every toy) as well as the rest of the house. This week should see the end of the organizing and rearranging so that next week can focus on setting up the spot for the puppy. We have our puppy order due to arrive this week with all of his necessities and I’ve been having fun making fleece toys and a blanket.

The name is still up in the air and won’t be cemented until we’ve brought him home and can fully glimpse his personality. BUT we are leaning very heavily towards one name that I think will end up being the one we pick.

So the next 11 days will be filled with preparing for the puppy, homework, errands, and sewing. I do have some darling bunnies to photograph and share later, assuming I can take a 5 minute break from puppymania. 😉

11 days and counting, have I said that already?

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “back in the swing in things …”

  1. Uncle Fudger says:

    That’s the old house, so you were six or seven.

  2. Grandma #1 says:

    By accident this morning while going thru the internet on my iPhone, I entered your website on the “speed-dial” and get your website! Of course, I remember this picture but not all the story about the mishap with the Unicorn.

    I will make sure your father reads it too and remind him of his good deed. He must have sewen it because I was working nights at Pizza Hut.

    Let’s get the boys to start a journal—and to make sure the stories are true!! LOL
    They could enter a paragraph on Sunday afternoons! Oh what a pretty picture!
    Of course Perrin’s would include all the “words” he had to write out 50 times and Owen’s would look like a medical journal. LOL

    Oh I am so clever, since I live miles from you and don’t have to do it myself. LOL

    I must find the little journal you wrote about the dumb cat that got herself drown—Marmalade! She was only with us for a couple of days and she got a whole book—nothing has ever been written about our other family pets that where so great and useful. Just goes to show people love a tragedy—I guess that is why Shakespear is so famous!!

    One of my favortive lines—“Country men lend me your ears, I come not to praise Marmalade but to bury her” LOL

    Ok, Uncle Fudger–give me the Shakespearen book!

    Love Mom

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