Mar 14 2009

:o( and :o)

Published by at 3:48 pm under just stuff

It’s been declared official: my hard drive is fried! I lost a year of pictures and everything else on my computer. Thanks to my Dad, we’ve got 400+ pictures coming back that he was able to recover from my camera, along with pictures that my Father-in-Law copied from my computer. We should be able to rebuild our photo library with the most important pictures to me from last year. Thankfully, I’ve shared here and will be able to recover photos. I was most upset when I thought of loosing Perrin’s baptism picture until I searched and found that I had posted it here! w00t w00t for blogging!! 🙂

In the meantime, I’m still without a computer and may not have mine back until the end of the month or the beginning of next month. This means I’m still using Don’s when I want to check things and is my excuse for not updating as much right now. LOL I have been sewing and have a project almost completed to share.

The puppies are now 4 weeks old – just 6 more weeks until we get to bring ours home! We’ll be visiting them at the end of the month and I can’t wait! I love getting the weekly pictures and updates from the breeder. When we go to visit, I’ll see if I can snap a few of my own photos to share with you all. We’ve been compiling a list of names. This has been kinda hard. We’ll be waiting for the official word on which puppy is ours (we have second pick) and on spending time with the puppy to see his personality. We thought it’d be really cool to use a Nordic/Norse name since they are a Scandinavian breed. If you have any Norse names you’d like to share, I’d love to hear them! I’ve been reading up on Norse mythology and such, looking for anything that jumps out at me.

I’ve also been enjoying my new favorite book: Stitch in Time I’m already inspired by many of the projects in this book and can’t wait to put my ideas to needle and thread!

For now, I’m headed back to the table to finish pinning the binding to the baby quilt I’m working on. Hopefully it’s finished tonight and I’ll have pictures to share soon! 🙂

One response so far

One Response to “:o( and :o)”

  1. Sharon says:

    Oh Emily, I feel your pain. I accidentily deleted 1300+ pictures on my camera (no I did not back all of them them up) and then to make matters worse, my computer died a few weeks later. Luckily my friend was able to pull the pics off my computer, but the camera ones are lost forever.
    Can’t wait to see your creative sewing projects-they are just as great as your stamping projects! Oh, and the puppy, too. Think of a two syllable name, it seems dogs respond best to names with two syllables. At least that’s what our breeders and trainers have told us.
    Good luck!


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