Jun 11 2008


Published by at 2:00 pm under just stuff

First, thanks for all the get well wishes. I think I had food poisoning. And every time I say food poisoning I think of Ralphie from A Christmas Story. You know, where he had to have his mouth washed out with soap for saying that bad word. So he’s laying in bed – I think – or was his sitting with the soap in his mouth? Anyway, he’s fantasizing about getting soap poisoning that made him blind and he’s wandering around, begging. He happens upon his parents’ house and they let him in asking him why he’s blind but he doesn’t want to tell them because he knows they’ll feel bad. After some coaxing he tells them it was from soap poisoning and then they all cry. That movie is funny.

So, I think it was food poisoning and I’m doing much better.

Been super busy with my boys. We are on a track system with our school, so we’re gearing up for Kindergarten Promotion, end of the year parties and then we get a week off before we start the next grade. I have some stuff to share, just need to take the pictures and get them up here. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that I can do that soon.

Hope you all have a great day!

3 responses so far

3 Responses to “hi!”

  1. qcbetty (QC) says:

    *THAT* is one of my all time favorite movies, Pixie! 🙂 I still laugh just as hard as when I first saw it!

    I hope you’re feeling better!!! Have a great weekend…

  2. Debora says:

    Gail had food poisoning last month & she felt absolutely horrible. Glad you are feeling better!

  3. So glad your’e feeling better! I always say it’s not a total loss throwing up. I like to look on the bright side and tell myself: “hey, maybe I lost a pound or two!”. I try to be as optomistic as possible because throwing up is my absolute NOT-favorite thing ever. (I throw up ALL 9 months with my pregnancies) Love the movie, btw and I loved the story of your grandmother. By the end of the story, I felt like she was my grandma too!

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