May 31 2008

more birthday fun

Published by at 12:13 pm under Family


Yum! Yum! I decided to go with red, white and blue after all! Hahaha! Owen picked out a USA circle flag balloon for his birthday and that just sealed the deal for me. I thought it would be fun to have the sprinkles around the cupcake instead of on top. I like how these turned out and it was only one extra step. I used a number 32 star tip to pipe the frosting around the edge then sprinkled all the pretties on top! After that was done I went ahead and frosted them like I normally do. I think it adds a fun whimsy to the cupcakes.


We were so ghetto with our candles this year! I completely forgot to make sure I had birthday candles. I’m sure I have some in the house somewhere, but I just don’t know where. D’oh!


But that didn’t stop anybody from eating the cupcakes. Owen thought they were all for him, and was happy to share with family! Hehe!!


It was a very low key birthday for us. Since we did Disneyland earlier in the week, we didn’t do a party. My parents did stop by with a present and a purple balloon for Owen. He got a USA states puzzle and a world map puzzle. He was so excited. My Mom had called earlier in the day to wish him a Happy Birthday and he didn’t miss a beat asking if she had a 50 states present in a box for him. Um, we’re going to have to work more on his Birthday manners! 😆


Perrin TOTALLY rocked his Yellow Belt testing! He has such a passion for physical activities, that it’s no surprise he’s doing so well with TaeKwonDo. He even broke his board on the first kick! My Dad is going to rig a trophy stand using the two pieces of wood that Perrin broke. Then we can display them both in his room.

Sorry about the excessive family photos this weekend! 😆 I’m hoping this benefits family and friends who are far away by sharing some of the birthday activities. And thank you for the birthday wishes and good luck wishes for my boys! 😀

Back tomorrow with Perrin’s Birthday!

7 responses so far

7 Responses to “more birthday fun”

  1. Debra says:

    Wow! they look so grown up Emily.

  2. Lorie says:

    What an exciting weekend for all of you! The cupcakes look fabulous, Owen’s birthday manners are right on for a 6 year old, Perrin kicks, well…wood! How fun! Just how can it get any better? :o)

  3. Elaine says:

    Looks like both boys had a great b-day and the pictures are great! I love your close ups of them w/ the Disney buttons! AND love the cupcakes…just one extra step my eye….you are one dedicated and loving mom!! hehehee….would never catch me saying “just” in front of extra work! lol

  4. Jenna says:

    Are you kidding??!! I want MORE family pics (and cupcake pics, too). I love to see the boys and all the cool things they do. They are both so photogenic and I wish I could squeeze my computer monitor, but I can’t cuz it’s lcd. Sigh . . .

  5. Yummy cupcakes!! And happy birthday to your boys! Yay!

  6. Are you kidding??! I LOVE seeing family photos. Those boys are all Gunnell!!! I can’t believe how strong genetics can be. I kinda freaked out when I had my oldest boy. My first thought was “Oh my gosh! I just had my brother!!” Luckily, I love my brother. Happy birthday to Perrin and what awesome cupcakes!!! I LOVE the sprinkles on the bottom. How clever! So cute. I’m sure you will be seeing me steal that idea in the near future. I finally got to do my first wedding cupcake tower this weekend. I don’t have pix back yet but I will post it as soon as I do. I got to do some fun piping on the top cake.

  7. Debora says:

    Mmm…cupcakes! You are a bad influence. 😉

    Great job on the testing, Perrin! You rock, dude! (Been watching too much Nemo.)

    Love the Hanukkah candles…bwahahahaha!!!

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