May 13 2008

i love ironman!

Published by at 1:13 pm under just stuff

LOL!! I’m still in the midst of reorganizing my room. I had a few setbacks last week, Perrin got hives and was a poor itchy guy for a few days, then my back went out Saturday night. I’m doing better now, but still taking it easy.

Anyway, we went to see Ironman opening weekend and loved it! My parents were watching the boys, so we called up my brother and the three of us went for an afternoon showing. I always like a good Comic Book movie and this one was AWESOME! I’d pay to see it again, that’s how much I enjoyed it! It was also a big reminder to me of what a good actor Robert Downey Jr. is! I’m thinking I’ll have to go rent this really soon!

For us, this movie was the perfect kick off to a summer full of “must see” movies! A “must see” means that we are willing to pay movie theatre prices to see it on the big screen, instead of waiting for it to come to DVD. Since I don’t have any projects to share, I thought I’d share our list of “must see” movies 🙂

Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian We love the Narnia movies, including the PBS ones! Sometimes the boys groan when we put those in, but they always end up snuggled up watching them with us! I think Disney did a great job with The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, so I’m really looking forward to Prince Caspian!

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull I can not tell you how absolutely excited I am for this one!!! I think Indy was my first movie crush! I remember going to the drive-in with my parents to see Raiders with a double feature of 9 – 5. My Mom told me to cover my eyes when they opened the arc, I didn’t listen! I watched thru my fingers and was totally grossed out, but I still loved the movie! LOL!

The Happening I’m really curious about this one! I’m sure I’ll be cursing M. Night Shyamalan when I’m trying to sleep after watching this, but I always enjoy his movies. Even if the closing line is “They called me Mr. Glass” Hahahahaha! Lame!

The Incredible Hulk Remember what I said about a good Comic Book movie? Well, I never watched the other Hulk movie that came out a few years ago because I thought it looked pretty dumb. But this one looks good and we’ll be seeing this in the theatre!

Wall-E My boys are really excited for this one and we’ll all be going to see this together. I think we only take them to a movie once a year, and 99% of the time it’s a Disney show.

The Dark Knight Okay, I love Christian Bale and I LOVE him as Batman! Still so sad about Heath, but he looks phenomenal in all the trailers.

X-Files: I Want to Believe I’m still shocked that this movie got made after all the guffaw from the actors in the past over having another X-Files movie. I can’t wait to see Mulder and Scully back together again! Hopefully we’re all caught up with our X-Files watching by then, too.

The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor I’m a sucker for these Mummy movies! I also wish they’d do a Scorpion King sequel, that would be fun!

And I will go see this one with my brother if he wants to see it in the theatre, otherwise I’ll just wait for DVD.

So what movies are you looking forward to?

6 responses so far

6 Responses to “i love ironman!”

  1. Debora says:

    Your list pretty much looks like my list for the summer. Glad to hear the good review on Ironman. Maybe I’ll go see it w/David now. 🙂

  2. I can’t wait to see Price Caspian and Kung Fu Panda! 🙂 Also, I loved National Treasure, and I can’t wait to rent Book of Secrets next week! We have two itty-bitties and don’t get to do the theater thing very often!

  3. I think that I might just seriously pee my pants because I am so excited for the new Indiana Jones movie to come out! I has sentimental reasons as well as “I love Harrison Ford” reasons. My dad loved those movies and as a kid, I would watch them with him and we would eat oreos together.

  4. Denier says:

    I can’t wait for the new Indiana Jones movie! I think I’m going to head up north and surprise my Dad and take him with me to see it. We should do a sushi and movie day sometime, we like the same type of movies! 🙂

  5. Suzanne Moore says:

    So funny that you share that story about Raiders…my sister and I were just talking about doing that exact same thing when we were kids over Mother’s Day weekend while we were watching the Indianna Jones movie marathon at my mom’s house 🙂 Didn’t seem quite so real 20 something years later 😉 Absolutely cannot wait for the new one to be released!!! Enjoy your summer!

  6. Kathi says:

    Yeah, we are also excited to see Indiana and wall-E.

    I’m also looking forward to SITC as I’m a Sarah Jessica fan. I want to see Ms. Bradshaw’s wedding on the big screen. This will be for a girl’s night out with some friends, one of whom is getting married this summer.

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