May 06 2008

a little info

Published by at 3:02 pm under just stuff

I got a couple questions on my cubbies and realized I forgot to link them! They are from Ikea, too! I do love that place, almost as much as I love Target! And that’s a lot! 😆

The tall cubbies are this one: Expedit bookcase (tall)

We have two of those in our house. One is in my Stamp Room and the other is in our boys’ bedroom.

Then they have this size: Expedit bookcase (medium)

We also have two of these and they are both in our bedroom. We opted for this size so we can put pictures on top.

Here is the smallest size: Expedit bookcase (small)

Again, we have two of these. One is in my Stamp Room and the other is in our front room under our window. We have both of ours laying down instead of standing up, this way we have a “table top” to put things.

We have a ton of Ikea in our home and it cracks me up! We even spent one whole weekend trying to find a solution to displaying some beautiful dishes Don got me for Christmas, only to find that Ikea had the best solution and was MUCH less expensive than what we were finding elsewhere. I think the only rooms that don’t have something from Ikea in them is our bathrooms, and that will change when we switch out some stuff this coming year. Hmmmmm, maybe I love Ikea more than Target. Naaaaaaaaaah!! 😉

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “a little info”

  1. Kathi says:

    Hi Em! What a mess! 😉 <——–Just kidding! With all the stamping you do, it’s not bad at all. I can make that big of a mess in one evening of stamping! Since I hardly ever stamp these days, it’s all put away. It’s waaaaay more fun to have a messy stamp room and be productive!

    I love all the white Ikea shelving. Very light with lots of great space for your goodies!

  2. I have never been to Ikea — I’m lucky to get to a Target once a year — LOL!!! Thanks for the photos, so I can see how the rest of the world lives (and stores) — LOL!!! Good luck on cleaning — which is what I should be doing now!!! TFS!!!

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