May 05 2008

how embarrassing!

Published by at 12:08 pm under just stuff

I’m going to let you in on a little secret. My room is a MESS!! It exploded before SoCal StampMania and just hasn’t recovered! I am now determined to get this room reorganized so I can feel creative again. I can’t seem to focus when my room has exploded, go figure. 😉  So by posting it here, it should give me the kick in the pants I need to kick it into high gear and get it done this week! Part of my hesitation is knowing that this is going to have a snowball effect on the whole house. Since my boys are off track, I might as well do it now.


Here is a shot of what you see when you walk into my room. My table is against the wall with my computer and stamping stuff I use on just about everything. I went to Ikea this past weekend and picked up a new table : Vika Amon

I ended up picking out different legs for it after seeing how it was in person. I’ll still be able to have some shelves under the table, which I hope to put to good use. I want to be able to have two people at the table, so I’ll be pulling the table away from the wall and more in the center of the room.


This is what is to the left of my table, you can see part of my table in the picture. I plan to rethink what I put in these cubbies and move the cubbies into the closet. This will be my biggest project since I’ll have to move some of Don’s stuff out of my Stamp Room closet.


This is behind my table and secured to the wall, which means I won’t be moving it. 😆 Just like the smaller one, I’ll be rethinking what I store in these cubbies. Mostly is has my stamps and some miscellaneous materials/embellishments. I’d like to get some labels up, but I’m not going to stress myself on that.

And here is the big problem:


This is just a partial of my Stamp Room closet. I have my 12×12 papers on a home constructed paper holder, but I really need to go thru them and just toss what I don’t use. Seriously, I go thru them and wonder why I even bought some of them. What was I thinking?? Hahaha! Here you can also see some of the stuff Don has me storing in this closet. I’d really like to get those boxes moved outta there and put the smaller cubbies in there. This would really open up my room and let me use all the space. You can also see how bad I am at remembering things. That cute BE box was supposed to be returned to Jami, and I keep forgetting to take it when I go to her house! D’OH!

I also have boxes of way too many alterables in my closet. I went thru those not long ago and threw some stuff out, but I think it’s time to throw more stuff out. I do plan on going thru all my stamps and getting my “sale” page updated. I have lots of stamps that I just don’t use and need to get them moved out.

So that is what I’ll be up to this week! I hope to get this plowed thru and done by Sunday so I can enjoy Mother’s Day in a nice organized Stamp Room! Wish me luck! 😉

9 responses so far

9 Responses to “how embarrassing!”

  1. Holy Cow. I am so jelous that you have an ENTIRE ROOM dedicated to your stamping stuff. I thought I was bad because the linen closet in my bedroom is dedicated to my cake supplies. I love, love, love your cards! I wish I had that kind of creativity. I’m so not artsy and creative. You are amazing. Good luck with that room! I wish I was there to help. I love a good orginization project. (I have a touch of OCD. I love to organize.)

  2. Shelley ~ photocropper says:

    May the force be with you 😉
    Hope you are able to get it all done quickly so you can be creative and feel inspired again!

  3. jami says:

    What Shelley said! You’ll need the force and then some from my own personal experience. It will fee great when you get it close to done though..I say *close to done* because I know my room is never really done and just when I get close I mess it up again! LOL!

  4. That’s nothin”! Seriously, this is when you say, “A messy craft room is a happy craft room. Mine’s delirious!” Thanks for sharing!

  5. Katie says:

    You got nothing on me. I supposedly have 3 workable surfaces in my craft room but none of them is visible. They are all hidden under SEVERAL layers of ‘stuff’ and the floor space is shrinking at an alarming rate. I’ll work on mine as you work on yours. Good luck with getting it to where you want it Emily.

  6. Alora says:

    I hear ya! My space is a mess and I can’t even think about getting creative when it’s like that. :o)

    BTW – where did you get your big cubbie bookshelf?? (the one that is secured to the wall) I’ve been looking everywhere for something like that, and I just can’t seem to find the right one. TIA!

  7. Sara says:

    You should see my room & the only reason I got in some semblance of order is b/c I had my bed delivered the yesterday. They had to go thru my room to deliver it.

    I really like your new table. I’m gonna have to check out IKEA to see what they have…like I need an excuse…YEAH RIGHT!!!

  8. Jana M says:

    You just made my day!!! I love that you can crank out these amazing cards, and you work in ‘creative clutter’.

    I love your cubbies. I have the wire ones right now, but someday I hope to have ones like that.

  9. Christine McMullin says:

    whew! I’ve been reading your blog off and on for awhile now. Glad to see that you have clutter-itis like the rest of us. (Though I totally understand the need to clean when you hit “that point.”) Love your work and enjoy reading your blog. Have a great week!

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