Apr 03 2008

uh oh!

Published by at 8:31 am under just stuff

I was at JoAnn’s yesterday getting something for a project I’m working on when I spied this book: Amigurumi

I’m in trouble, people!! One of the other crafty things I enjoy doing is crochet. I’ve made blankets for a couple of my Brothers-in-Law (I still owe two of them blankets! D’oh!) as well as baby blankets for some friends. I’ve recently picked up my crochet hook again to make a baby blanket for my Sister-in-Law Katie and it reminded me how much I like to crochet. It’s nice to work on when I’m watching Perrin at TaeKwonDo, when I want to relax and watch a show, or for those trips to the Dr. when you are waiting for your turn.

So when I saw that book, I about died! When I was younger my Grandma Arlie (my Dad’s Mom) made crochet Strawberry Shortcake dolls for all her granddaughters and even a Huckleberry Fin one for my brother. (Granddaughters outnumbered the Grandsons) 😉 I cherished that doll and still have it safely in my stash of childhood memories. I also have one that my Aunt Charlene made for me. They were some of my favorite dolls. Oh! I had a donkey, too! Almost forgot about him! I named him Zeeke after my Aunt Charlene’s donkey. LOL!

So, since I spied that book yesterday I’ve been busy looking up more in the art of Amigurumi. I am amazed! There are a TON of patterns available thru etsy. I have added several to my favorites and will have to get them before they are gone. I’m a self-confessed pattern hoarder, so I’d better get a move on. (You should see my collection of Renaissance/Lord of the Rings costume patterns. Don’t tell Don!)

So, needless to say, this little trip down memory lane has me remembering the other crafty things I’ve enjoyed doing but have put aside to focus on paper crafting. I haven’t sewed a costume in years or made a rag quilt. The sewing machine has turned out more stitches on cardstock than fabric. I don’t think I could even remember how to tat, but I still have my shuttle put around here somewhere. I haven’t baked for a couple of months – but I will be making some cupcakes for my Sister-in-Law’s upcoming baby shower! And before I started on the baby blanket, I hadn’t crocheted for years. Then I remember that paper crafting does make me very happy, so no need to stress about all the stuff I used to do. As long as I do them occasionally, I’m still getting use out of the time it took for me to develop the talent.

It makes me wonder, what other crafty things did you used to do before paper crafting?

Oh, and yes, the book came home with me. I do have two boys who have already picked out their favorite from the book! 😆

3 responses so far

3 Responses to “uh oh!”

  1. Shelley ~ photocropper says:

    My mind thinks like that too!! Kinda funny how just the other day I was thinking I needed to work on the blanket for my MIL (crochet) but it is too big to carry with already. And I still have how many years need to get J’s quilt done. Jess gave me a great pattern and I look at it from time to time and think “I should do that”.

    I can not wait to see what you come up with!!
    OH and ummm are you making cupcakes for your friends soon too, pretty please with sugar on top 😉 hehe

  2. Jenna says:

    Oooh! I can’t wait to see the baby blanket for Savanna. See you in a week!

  3. Erin Chase says:

    I wish I had just a pinky’s worth of your talent. Have fun exploring your new book!!

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