Apr 03 2008

uh oh!

Published by at 8:31 am under just stuff

I was at JoAnn’s yesterday getting something for a project I’m working on when I spied this book: Amigurumi

I’m in trouble, people!! One of the other crafty things I enjoy doing is crochet. I’ve made blankets for a couple of my Brothers-in-Law (I still owe two of them blankets! D’oh!) as well as baby blankets for some friends. I’ve recently picked up my crochet hook again to make a baby blanket for my Sister-in-Law Katie and it reminded me how much I like to crochet. It’s nice to work on when I’m watching Perrin at TaeKwonDo, when I want to relax and watch a show, or for those trips to the Dr. when you are waiting for your turn.

So when I saw that book, I about died! When I was younger my Grandma Arlie (my Dad’s Mom) made crochet Strawberry Shortcake dolls for all her granddaughters and even a Huckleberry Fin one for my brother. (Granddaughters outnumbered the Grandsons) 😉 I cherished that doll and still have it safely in my stash of childhood memories. I also have one that my Aunt Charlene made for me. They were some of my favorite dolls. Oh! I had a donkey, too! Almost forgot about him! I named him Zeeke after my Aunt Charlene’s donkey. LOL!

So, since I spied that book yesterday I’ve been busy looking up more in the art of A

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