Mar 27 2008

sicky update

Published by at 12:41 pm under just stuff

First, Thank you for the posts and emails! We are doing much better now!

Perrin is still doing well and his coughing has gone down.

Owen caught a part of the flu virus that causes Influenza and was unable to walk for a few days due to the pain in the joints of his legs. Mostly “behind my patellas” as he told everyone. He had to be carried everywhere and just wasn’t eating very well. This morning he decided to try standing and he is able to stand on his tip toes! He can’t go flat foot very well, yet, but he’s happy that he can move around on his tippy toes.

I plan to get some posting going! I have some cards to share and new stamps to ink up! 😀

One response so far

One Response to “sicky update”

  1. Debra says:

    Can’t wait to see. I hope you are all healthy today.

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