Mar 24 2008

and so it goes

Published by at 11:50 am under just stuff

Oh man! I promise I have stuff to share! I’ve been able to stamp a few things over the past few weeks, but we’ve been hit by one virus or another. So far we’ve had the cough thing going around, ear infections, and running high fevers. (Got pretty scary last week when Perrin shot up to 105.2) I’ve also had some dental work done that left my jaw sore for a couple days.

I tell ya! It’s one of those “when it rains, it pours” type of deals.

At least Perrin was able to go back to school today, but Owen is home with a fever. He’s running 102.2 and nobody knows why. I was just told to keep an eye on his throat since there is a throat virus going around that starts out as a fever.

So, big *SIGH*

Hopefully I can get some stuff photographed today or tomorrow and I hope you are all happy and healthy!

3 responses so far

3 Responses to “and so it goes”

  1. Tandra Boyer says:

    Hey Emily!! Sheesh- Y’all have got it bad!! Im glad you are feeling better!!
    In Feb we all had that fever/cough/ never goes away thing too! 3-4 weeks we were sick at one point or another. Yuck!!
    I just hold my breath now when I go out of the house-so as not to breathe germs!! LOL
    Hope Owen gets better soon!

  2. Debra says:

    I know what you are going through. (((HUGS)))

  3. Stephanie M says:

    I hope you guys are doing better!!!

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