Dec 18 2007

happy birthday, don!

Published by at 8:27 am under Family


Today is Don’s birthday! We plan on catching a movie while the boys are in school today. 😀

Happy Birthday, Love!

8 responses so far

8 Responses to “happy birthday, don!”

  1. jbalcer says:

    Oh my gosh, I’ve never “met” Don. He’s *adorable* and so handsome, Pixie! Y’all make such a beautiful couple! Happy birithday, Don!

  2. Napoleon Dynamite says:

    I hope your birthday is flippin’ sweet and you have a killer time.

  3. jami says:

    Happy Birthday Don!!!!! What the heck…go ahead and celebrate for a whole week!

  4. Kathi says:

    Hope you had a wonderful time at the movie! What a gorgeous family you have, Pixie. 🙂

  5. Debra says:

    WOOHOO!!! Happy Birthday (late *rolls eyes*) Don!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Debora says:

    My bad! I didn’t send you a card this year. Hope you had a fun movie! Happy B-day!

  7. andeecate says:

    I missed Don’s birthday! I am not sure how… LOL.

    Happy Belated Don!

  8. Betheny says:

    EMILY!! I FINALLY found you! This is Betheny Tomseth (Whitman) from way back when. I heard you were doing cakes and I wanted to see how that was going. I remembered that you did Violet’s cake. Man! Is there anything you can’t do?!!! You are amazing! Photography, cakes, cards…you do it all…and you do it all increadibly. You are insanly talented and creative.
    I’ve actually started a little cake buisness of my own. Now, mind you, I’m just starting out so I’m nowhere NEAR what you can do. My sister does wedding cakes and she got me into it. II’m completly obsessed with it! I think my specialty is 3-D custom cakes but no one wants to pay those prices for a birthday cake up here in Utah so I think I better start focusing on wedding cakes which I want SO badly to do 🙂 I’ve also gotten really interested in doing gumpaste flowers. They are so time consuming but so fun.
    I would love some tips on how to get more ideas for doing cakes and cupcakes since I seriously lack in the creative department and when I do come up with something, I’m such a perfectionist and I get frustrated. I’m so envious of your talent! It’s so hard for me to come up with my own designs. Where do you get all your ideas and do you have a cake gallery?
    My blog is and my cake website is: The name came from a long standing family tradition of chanting “Bite the Cake!” after the candles were blown out. The unfortunate birthday girl/boy would then have to bite the cake and usually got their face shoved in it from a “loving” family member.
    Anyway, let me know how y’all are doing. I would LOVE to hear from you.


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