Dec 06 2007

run, run as fast as you can …

Published by at 7:50 pm under Family

you can’t catch me! I’m the skeleton gingerbread man!


In Owen’s Kindergarten class they have been looking for the gingerbread man this week. Part of the gingerbread man week is for them to take home a paper gingerbread man and dress him up however they want. Owen flipped back and forth from several ideas including Santa, a normal gingerbread man and a skeleton. In the end, the skeleton won out. We spent this evening with him drawing the pieces and me cutting them out. Then we used his bone chart to help me layer them on correctly. I had to keep him from adding too much detail, and what you see is the minimum I could get him to be happy with.

Now I just have to keep him from playing with it too much before he has to turn it in tomorrow.

Oh, and he had to wear his new pajamas and jean jacket for the photo. 😆

This kid cracks me up!

11 responses so far

11 Responses to “run, run as fast as you can …”

  1. Mandy says:

    That is too cute! 🙂

  2. Debra says:

    Cute and hilarious! I love it!

  3. Erin K says:

    Your son is obviously talented and super funny! I LOVE the gingerbread man.

  4. Shelley ~ photocropper says:

    LOL! What a cutie! His project will be the best 😉

  5. Kathi says:

    Bawahahahaaha! The kids will love Owen’s g-man.

  6. Denier says:

    how fun! that’s the most unique gingerbread man i’ve ever seen 🙂

  7. Marnie says:

    A Doctor in the making for sure! He did a wonderful job!

  8. grandma says:

    Love u OWen Angel Great job

  9. The gingerbread man hunt must be a Kindergarten tradition, Em — both mine have done it, too! What creative thinking on Owen’s part — I love his skeleton gingerbread man!

  10. Elizabeth says:

    Oh goodness!! Love the g-man. So creative and different. Right up my alley.

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