Jul 11 2007

back to school

Published by at 8:42 pm under Family


Over here we have the track system for Elementary school. We are on D track, so we’ve already begun a new school year. Perrin is in Second Grade and Owen is in Kindergarten. The boys are excited to go to school together. I have Owen in PM Kindergarten, so I drop off Perrin first, then go home and get Owen ready, take Owen to school, then pick them up at the same time. Perrin gets to walk over to the Kindergarten area and “pick up” Owen. Really, he’s just walking him from the line to the gate where I am waiting, but for him it’s a fun Big Brother duty for each day.

I’m in a bit of shock getting used to having Owen gone everyday for almost four hours. I will be helping out in each boy’s class during the week, but for the other three days I’ll hopefully be able to make the best use of my time alone. My biggest goal to is walk three days a week. I started yesterday and have a route that is 2.7 miles and takes me about 43 – 47 minutes to complete. It’s a nice workout since there is a hill. Since it’s basically a big circle, I go up hill at the beginning and downhill at the end. I want to be able to jog the distance, so that will be my goal. Then once I’m able to jog it, my goal will be to ride my bike up that hill.

I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time, and I’ve finally decided that I have no more excuses! Fortunately I bought myself some good walking shoes in January and I got an iPod Shuffle for Christmas. Today I got an arm band for my shuffle — eventhough it’s the one that clips on, having the cord dangling from the earbuds was driving me nuts! I also have a cool water bottle holder that holds my cell phone and keys along with it.

So, I’ll be keeping track of my miles completed over on my sidebar. I figure this will help keep me motivated to add to it each week.

I’ve also finally figured out how to add for email subscriptions to my blog. So if you’re interested, it’s over to the left under my “Contact Me” link.

Wish me luck! Right now my legs are so sore, I’m thinking about slacking off tomorrow, but by then I should have talked myself back into walking. Besides, I have to test out the new iPod arm band, right?

Oh! I did pick up some cute paper today. My Mom wants me to do a Chirstmas card class next month, so I hit a local scrapbook store to get some paper to make my samples with. Now I’ll just have to get in the Christmas spirit, maybe sticking my head in the freezer will help me remember what it’s like to be cold!

7 responses so far

7 Responses to “back to school”

  1. Very cool. Don’t you love the track system. We are on A track and don’t go back until August 20 something. My youngest will be starting Kindergarten too. I don’t know what I will do for my few hours alone. Stamp maybe? LOL

  2. Tandra Boyer says:

    Id just like to say-
    Pop 2 Advils before your walk tomorrow!! LOL Seriously…
    Thats what I do before my 1 1/2 hr long yoga class. ouch!

    Good for you Emily for picking up a walking schedule! I usually walk with Halo to school, but its summer, so why get up! lol
    After a while it wont hurt anymore, until you pick a higher/longer hill to climb!!
    U Go Girl!

  3. pegg says:

    I’ve never heard of this track system – such an interesting concept. I am going to read about it. Also, awesome about your new walking plans!! You are inspiring me to get back into exercising. On iTunes you can upload tons of free programs/shows from NPR, etc.

    Once you are ready to start running — look at this plan— it’s really good and guides you to running 5K.

  4. Lorie says:

    Actually, if you are just starting out walking again after a hiatus you really should try to avoid the hill for a little while. The upward slope is what is killing your legs. Give yourself a couple of weeks on a level surface and then go ahead and add in the hill. When you do just make sure that you are walking with great posture. Try not to lean forward and walk heel to toe. Also, make sure you are plenty warm before you attack that hill. How do I know this…hmmm…my legs have hurt like that in the past!

    I remember when my youngest went to kindergarten. For the first couple of weeks, okay…months, I would put my hand down for him to take it when I was out shopping and stuff. I still miss him while he’s at school and he’s going into 4th grade now. Just this last year I realized that I need to really enjoy this time with him as this is the last time I will have a 9 year old. Awww..what a sad thought…this is such a fun time!

    Sorry for the book! Can’t wait to see your Christmas cards! :0)

  5. Debora says:

    Ah~they are so dang cute! I love Owen’s planet shirt. 🙂

  6. andeecate says:

    How sweet are your boys? I love when you share things about them!

    And kudos to you on the walking! I am working out now too, I am glad I am not the only one 🙂 Good luck!!

  7. tasha says:

    they are soo sweet.
    i cant believe our babies are in second grade already.. huh?
    my poor DS with his september bday is so sad he isnt starting K this year though…

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