Jun 21 2007

in a galaxy far, far away

Published by at 12:04 pm under Family


I’m still sick, but wanted to share a photo from this past weekend. In our area, about once a year, the 501st Legion does an American Cancer Society fund raiser. They come in their full blown costumes and offer pictures for $5.00 per person with proceeds going to ACS. We missed going last year, so I was determined to take the boys this year. Their eyes totally lit up the moment they spotted the first wandering Storm Trooper as we were driving in to find a parking spot. When Jengo Fett came outside as we were standing in line, I thought they would burst.

The line was long, but they were very good as we slowly moved toward the room where the pictures would be taken. It was a little difficult for them to control their excitement as we could then see all the characters they would be getting their picture taken with. They had been waiting to see Darth Vader and were even more excited when Luke joined the group for pictures.

What’s funny to me is that my boys mostly know the names of all the characters just from playing the Star Wars Lego games on the XBox. I have yet to let them watch any of the live action movies (if you even consider Episodes 1 – 3 part of the Star Wars collection — don’t get me started). I have let them watch some of the Star Wars cartoons — Clone Wars and Ewoks (I’ll get Don back for that one, someday). It’s just my personal opinion to have them wait to see the live action movies, since I don’t agree with Lucas that they were created with children in mind. Okay, I’ll stop there! I guess I got myself started, so I’ll stop it.

Anyway, the boys were delighted to get their pictures taken. Unfortunately it was very noisy in the room so they couldn’t hear when the picture was being taken as the photographer was counting to three for them to be ready. But we got Jengo in the picture, and they were happy about that. Owen was the most excited to see the Sand Trooper with the orange on his shoulder. He pulled for me to stop as we were leaving the room because he just had to go talk to him. The people in the costumes were extremely nice to the children. Owen had about a 10 minute conversation with the Sand Trooper, telling him that he (Owen) had a toy of him (Sand Trooper) and he proceeded to tell him all the things he had come with. Pointing out to the Sand Trooper that the toy did not come with the binoculars, but that he thought they were cool. The people in the costumes could talk thru their helmets and they sounded just like they do when they talk in the movies.

This is something we’ll do again next time they have this fund raiser. Next time I plan to think and call up my Sister-in-Law so I can bring my nephew with us. I’ll also let the boys bring their lightsabers for the pictures, as I noticed several children had brought theirs with them.

Time for me to return to the galaxy of my couch and take more cold medicine.

5 responses so far

5 Responses to “in a galaxy far, far away”

  1. jbalcer says:

    you’re such a rockin’ mom, pixie! What a great experience. . . and I’d love a photo with Chewy, personally! HUGS and feel better soon!

  2. OMG…I’m such a big Star Wars geek…you won’t believe what soundtrack I’m listening to as I’m reading your blog….yep…you guessed it! Star Wars. How fun that you got to attend and see such a fun sight! I wish I could have been there, but alas, I’m in a galaxy far, far way! 🙂

  3. Debra says:

    So very cool!!!! David would have LOVED to do that!!!

  4. Debora says:

    Check them out! Looks like so much fun…what a good Mom you are. I’ll have to try to bring my BIG kid sometime. 😉

  5. Sencie says:

    Oh My Gosh!!! I’ll bet they loved every minute of it!!!! And I’m sure they’ll cherish this picture!!! 🙂

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