Jun 06 2007

oh no, she didn’t!

Published by at 1:21 am under cards,stamping


All images from justjohanna.

Love the chicklets!! This time motorcycle chicklet made out like a bandit, leaving the other poor chicklet with only one cupcake!

I used the ric-rac to look like the road, but kept it white so it wouldn’t take away from the focal image.

This is more of that paper by American Crafts. Images were stamped wtih Palette Noir Black and colored in with Prismacolor pencils. Stickles were added to the scooter, helmet, and parts of the cupcakes.

Mmmmmmmm …… those cupcakes look yummy!

8 responses so far

8 Responses to “oh no, she didn’t!”

  1. Karen - Jusgottastamp says:

    That’s just too stinkin’ adorable!!!!

  2. Heidi K. says:

    OMGoodness! How cute! Those colors are great and I love the stickles! And the idea of the chickie on the moped is just hilarious!

  3. Tandra Boyer says:

    OMG the chicklet on the handlebars
    makes me LAUGH!! You are
    hilarious Emily!!! And the
    Helmet-just to much!!! LOL
    Love it!

  4. Kelly says:

    Very cute great color choice!

  5. OMG… PIXIE!! I LOVE your pink cards, your new banner… just EVERYTHING!! Oh, you just rock my world girlfriend!

  6. Kathi says:


    Darling and sooooooo silly. I love this!

  7. Erin K says:

    this is so cute. I can’t even stand it!

  8. Diane (cookiestamper) says:

    omgoodness….that’s too cute!

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