Dec 14 2006

on the third day of Christmas

Published by at 4:21 pm under blog fun


Yikes! I had a crazy day! Topped off with my poor Owen slicing the top of his finger while reading a book in the van. He cried hysterically all the way home because his “blood was coming out.” And it didn’t help that Perrin kept telling him, “That’s a big line of blood!!” that was down his little finger. Brothers!

But we are now cleaned and bandaged up. A few Mommy kisses and a cookie later, he is playing happily. So let’s get on with the fun!

The goodies for today are:

A pack of Valentine themed embellishments by Me & My Big Ideas
Some cute shaped buttons by Pocket Scraps
A pack of rhinestone ribbon slides and charms I picked up at Target
Assortment of red and silver tags
Some SU! stamps
“Puppy Love” Bobbin Ribbon
Assortment of Inspiration Sheets
Some Candy Cane Hershey Kisses! yum yum!

TRIVIA QUESTION: be sure to read everything!

This Christmas song is a favorite of mine, sung by a popular crooner (who I love!!). This song was later the title of a popular Christmas movie, in which he stars, BUT it was originally written for another movie he was in.

What is the name of the song, the movie it was originally written for, the movie it was later made into, and the name of the crooner?

***ETA: Holy carp!! That was fast!! Looks like Danita and I could sit and watch some movies together!! Send me your address and I’ll get these sent off to you!

Answer was: White Christmas, originally written for Holiday Inn, made into the movie White Christmas, sung by Bing Crosby. (and as my friend Jami told me, “White Christmas is Bing’s song, and nobody else should even try to sing it!!”)

Check back tomorrow!! Hopefully there will be no bandages involved!

6 responses so far

6 Responses to “on the third day of Christmas”

  1. danita (moberkitty) says:

    Ooh,I think I know this one!
    The song is White Christmas. It was originally in the movie Holiday Inn. It was made into the movie called White Christmas. And it’s sung by Bing Crosby.
    Looooove this song and *both* these movies!

  2. Julie - jeweleintn SCS says:

    ahhh,,, you beat me…

  3. Oh man! I knew this but I was late! Maybe next time. Thanks for the great trivia. I love your blog

  4. danita (moberkitty) says:

    Wow, thanks!!
    I really hope Owen isn’t too traumatized by his cut. Paper cuts are the worst!! :-p

  5. Poor Owen hope he’s feeling better! But, it also proves that there’s no better medicine than Mommy kisses and cookies!! ;o)

  6. Inky Paws says:

    What fun your contest is! I’m just too late or too early, but I’ll have more computer time next week to keep checking in! Have a wonderful weekend!

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