Dec 09 2006

simple wishes

Published by at 1:37 pm under Family

As Christmas is getting closer, I’ve been hearing a lot from Perrin on what he wants to ask Santa for. At the top of his list is a toy tank. He received one last year, but it was unfortunately broken when family came over.

When Owen told me what he wanted for Christmas, I was quite surprised. When asked he replied, “Pistachios, an apple and chocolate cake!”

I think Santa can fill that request!

I’m going to enjoy the simple wishes from little children! I know as they get older those wishes will probably increase in cost.

What are your children wishing for this year?

7 responses so far

7 Responses to “simple wishes”

  1. A. Sanborn says:

    Sophie’s Santa request, is that she’d like “The Pet Vet” minus the dog or cat, “because I have plenty of stuffed lovies Mom!” Sophie wants to become a Vet and take care of the animals when she grows up.

  2. Leanne says:

    Great card! Love the cool carribean and black/white combo.

  3. Colleen says:

    doodle bears and easy bake oven for my 5 year old daughter. My three year old daughter wants a barbie house and new barbie.

  4. tasha says:

    you are actually quite fortunate.
    like you, we don’t watch television. that means no commercials. without commercials… they have a REALLY hard time coming up with much for their lists.. LOL
    they just don’t know what all is out there. 🙂
    so, your lists may stay fairly simple for a while longer!! 🙂

  5. Kathi says:

    We are also tv-less and it’s a big help. C. would like a Zome set(ssshhh….it’s under the tree already). :0)

    Cute card, Pixie!

  6. lorie wagle says:

    My daughter had a hard time to come up with 7 things for her wish list. I had to talk her into a desk (it’s already in the attic, one we already had) and my favorite….she wants paper!!

  7. Kimmie says:

    Let’s see… My daughter is 8… And her wishes include:
    A Cellphone (NOT!), an IPOD (NOT!), her own car (geez – she’s only 8!! Of course, NOT!), Barbies (finally something appropriate!), VIP concert tickets (and notice – VIP! SO NOT gonna happen!) and a Nintendo DS (maybe).

    your’s are much easier!

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