Oct 16 2006

gearing up for Halloween!

Published by at 1:33 pm under Family

Well, I have put if off long enough. Today I am going to take the boys with me and go down to JoAnn to get the fabric for their Halloween costumes. I always tend to put these things off because I know it’s quit a bit of work, especially since I have to size down the patterns. They just don’t make much in “Owen size”. haha! I’m not that much of a seamstress. I can really only do costumes, and cloaks. Yeah, I like cloaks! Those are easy!

Unfortunately, I kinda put myself in the mess of making the boys’ costumes almost from the get go, and my husband really likes the idea of me making the costumes. But I have to agree to a point. My favorite costumes while I was growing up are the ones that my Mom made for me. Granted, the store bought costumes were not made as well as they are today, but that really wasn’t the point of my Mom taking the time to make me costumes. My Mom worked nights and was home duirng the day when we were in our K – 3rd grades. I know that she made the costumes for us as a way to share her talents, show us that she loved us, and that on Halloween you can be whatever you imagine! The ones that stand out in my mind the most are when she made me a flapper girl in Kindergarten and when I was a unicorn in Third Grade. That unicorn costume was pretty cool!

So we took notes last week on what colors and texture types to get to create as close as possible to the “real thing.” I do get kinda obsessed with making it look as authentic as our budget allows. This year the boys are going to be Obi-Wan and Anakin, we are using the Episode III colors for them so there is more of a contrast between them. They have not seen this movie, and have only seen bits of Episodes I and II (I’d rather they didn’t see those, but oh well). They have seen the Clone Wars cartoons that were put on by Cartoon Network before Episode III came out. They are allowed to play the Lego Star Wars I and II games on the XBox when they have good days at school and homework is finished for the day.

We have turned into a Star Wars obsessed house thanks to Don. Everyday the boys tell me who they are. Owen, more than Perrin, really gets into this. Today he is Obi-Wan and I have tied a blanket to serve was a cloak for him and he’s got his lightsaber hanging from his belt, along with a pair of binoculars for some unknown reason. Looking for Sand People, maybe? For two weeks he was Yoda and would build himself a walking stick from the big Duplo Lego Blocks, using it to walk around the house. I kid you not! His little four year old imagination is really working overtime and he lives in the Star Wars world for most of it. Fortunately, I have got him to realize that when he’s at church or at preschool that he is “Owen,” not Obi-Wan, Anakin, Yoda, or General Windu.

So I will be setting up my sewing base in the TV room so I can indulge myself with Lord of the Rings wihle I sew Star Wars Halloween Costumes. If I’m going to be up working on them, I might as well be watching Viggo. Sounds like a good trade. (and if some extra stuff falls in the cart while I’m shopping for fabric, then that’s just the way it’ll have to be!!) *wink*

3 responses so far

3 Responses to “gearing up for Halloween!”

  1. Kathy (kathat from SCS) says:

    Too funny about your boys! My 4 year old, Miles, is obsessed by Star Wars thanks to dh. We’ve also got a Star Wars theme going for Halloween. Miles is Obi Wan Kenobi and Mason (7) is a Clone Trooper. DD is not joining the club this year though. Last year, she was Princess Leia and Miles was a Jedi. Mason wanted to be Anakin but Miles didn’t “let” him because Anakin goes to the dark side 🙂 Soooooo, long story short, your post made me smile. Thanks!

  2. Jessica says:

    I will miss you while you are in sewing land. Maybe I should visit math land and it won’t be so bad.

  3. Kim Ross says:

    I have to agree about the mom-made costumes being favorites. In 1980 or so, my mom sewed a Wonder Woman costume for me. She even stitched on every single star. I smile every time I see something related to Wonder Woman because of the fondness I had for the costume, and especially the time & care my mother put into making it. Happy Halloween! 🙂

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