Jan 31 2012

mmmmmm …. yarn

Published by at 7:12 pm under 2012 goals,knitting,yarn

Yesterday I had a happy mail day when the yarn I ordered for my lace shawl finally arrived!

It is so soft! I spent a good 5 minutes rubbing it on my cheek. Then I rubbed in on the boys’ faces. Then back on mine. LOL!

This particular color is named Bluebeard and I purchased it from this etsy store: pigeonroofstudios

I plan on using it for this shawl: Skywalker

My Mom got me a couple of online knitting classes thru Craftsy for Christmas and I’m excited to start one of the projects! I’m impressed with the classes so far. I’ve already watched them thru once so now I’m reading to start one of the lessons! Knitting lace will be another skill I’m adding to my knitting knowledge … I hope it goes good!

Wish me luck! 😉

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “mmmmmm …. yarn”

  1. Heather says:

    I’m super excited to see how it turns out! Sounds like it will be beautiful! Good luck…even though you don’t need it!

  2. Vanessa says:

    Beautiful yarn, it sort of shimmers in the sun, exquisite! I imagine it will be a joy to work with. Vanessa xxx

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