Nov 02 2011

trick or treat!

Published by at 12:48 pm under Family,Holiday,sewing

Another Halloween gone! I’m always sad when Halloween is over because I have so much fun making the costumes for the boys, having the house spooky all month, and enjoying fun Halloween events. Then I realize that we have a four day weekend coming up and Thanksgiving break for a week! After a month of no school holidays, it can sometimes be a challenge to make it thru October and makes November very appealing! LOL!

This year the boys were characters from one of their favorite DSi games: Final Fantasy: The Four Heroes of Light

Meet Brandt:

Their costumes were fairly similar, varying in color and accessories. I used a pirate pattern for both since the shirts for both characters looked very similar to what I had a pattern for. But let me tell you, I’m never making two pirate shirts at the same time again! They were labor intensive, to say the least. Lots of pieces to cut out, gathering, and interfacing. However, when they were done, the boys looked pretty cool!

Brandt required a short vest, made out of fleece, and a couple of accessories from Perrin’s Pretend Box.

Meet Jusqua:

Owen was asked countless times if he was Harry Potter. He also told me he was asked if he was Yoda, a Karate kid, or Gandalf. Haha! He was a good sport and didn’t mind telling anyone who would ask or guess that he was “Jusqua, J-U-S-Q-U-A, from Final Fantasy: the 4 Heroes of Light. It’s this DSi game I like.”

His jacket was fun and I think he’ll be wearing a lot this “winter”. The staff was also a big hit. My Mom found the wood in their stash in their backyard and my Dad drilled the hole for me to glue in the Christmas ornament. I cracked a bunch of glow sticks and shoved them inside before hot glueing it to the top. It looked pretty cool as we Trick-or-Treated and helped me keep track of him. 😉

Meet Upset Dog:

Yeah. He’s not from Final Fantasy. He did not like wearing his costume.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “trick or treat!”

  1. Grandma #1 says:

    Great photos of the boys and Sammy. I like what you did with Owen’s hair. Perrin could model. You made real cool costumes.

    Thanks for letting me know about the new posting.

    Love mom

  2. julie says:

    You are such the seamstress! The costumes look awesome. I loved the glow sticks in the staff orb- so creative. That would have been pretty cool to see walking down a dark street on halloween night.
    P.S. I like Sammy’s costume too. Even if he was upset about it.

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