Apr 26 2010

help make a miracle

Published by at 6:04 pm under friends,just stuff


I have a friend named Brent and a friend named Michelle. During my young adult years we spent lots of time together hanging out, going to dances and other young adult activities thru church. Several years later Brent’s younger brother Brian and Michelle’s younger sister Jennifer were married. A few years after that Daylon was born.

Daylon is a special spirit with a life threatening disease.

He has Junctional Epidermolysis Bullosa Herlitz, and you can read more of his story here: helpmakeamiracle.org

He is now nine months old and has the chance to undergo treatment which may save his life. Unfortunately, as is usually the case with situations such as these, it is a very costly opportunity. Especially for the family of five young children.

This weekend there will be a benefit to help raise funds for Brian and Jennifer’s family.

There is an article running in the local newspaper that you can also read here: Parents of a Corona boy with fatal genetic disorder have new hope

There are a few events taking place to help with their effort. You can read up on them here: Events

Or you can help by making donations thru this page: Donations

I know not everyone who feels the desire to help can do so monetarily, so I want you to know that this is a family of great faith and we know that prayers go a long way.

Thanks for stopping by today and taking the time to read this.

Hug your children and your family.

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “help make a miracle”

  1. Grandma Rawlins says:

    Emily what a nice write-up and I especially love the part where you ask for good wishes and prayers.

    Lovely way you have of expressing love for famiiy and friends.


  2. A Mommy, A Daddy, A Baby: A Blog says:

    I’m so glad you’ve spread the word! Your parents were such a big help too. Such great people… that must be where you get it.

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