Oct 01 2009


Published by at 3:29 pm under photography,Sam


Yesterday, during a homework recess, the boys we out back and blew bubbles. It became more entertaining once Sammy joined in and I grabbed my camera to catch the fun.

When I was going thru the pictures today they made me laaaaaaaugh! I love his determination to jump and pop the bubble. He’s actually quite good at getting them before they pop.


We got lots of funny shots. I like to call this one “the shark”.


I like his eyes in this one. On his way to pop one bubble and looking for the one that’s going to get it next.


Can you imagine how much fun he must have thought this one was? All those bubbles coming at him at once?

Ah, the life of a dog.

One response so far

One Response to “bubbles”

  1. Shelley says:

    LOL! That is great! He is such a playful pup!! Great pics too!

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