Jun 06 2009


Published by at 9:05 pm under just stuff,photography,Sam


Been spending time with this fuzzy face as well as celebrating two Birthdays within two days of each other. 🙂

While I get those pictures ready to share, I thought I’d show you the face I get when I’m holding treats. Sammy is very interested in getting treats, and he lets you know it!

Fortunately, with a puppy face like that looking at you, it’s no problem to reward him for being good – because he could never be naughty, right?

I’ll restrain from showing you the hole he’s currently digging to the center of the Earth …

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “treats?”

  1. Jenna says:

    What hole? Is it in your new grass???

  2. Grandma #1 says:

    Where are my GRANDCHILDREN???

    Those poor little skinny boys that have been turned into DOG SLAVES.
    “Open the door for Sammy” “Close the door after Sammy” “Give the dog a bone”
    “Get your shoes on, we’re walking the dog”

    Please send me their BOOT CAMP address so I can write to them.

    I am going to talk to my lawyer or the Bishop if I don’t see pictures soon of my sweet little Grandsons.

    Misplaced Grandma

    I remember being at the hospital when my grandsons were born—neither of them had a tail. LOL

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